Approved Tank Mix Partners
Learn more about The Andersons approved products for tank mixing with specific herbicides.
Quality is the foundation of our products and manufacturing processes. We want to provide you with the highest-quality products to help grow your operation. To ensure the quality you expect, we focus on five key points during the manufacturing process:
- Pressing suppliers for the highest quality raw materials
- Refining manufacturing processes for maximum efficiency and environmental sustainability
- Implementing and maintaining quality management processes and systems
- Performing rigorous testing to ensure each product is manufactured to specifications
- Continuous evaluation and improvement of these processes
Quality management does not end once a product leaves our facility. Our customers play a key role in upholding quality. Once we have produced and shipped a product, it is in our dealers’ and distributors’ hands to maintain the product’s integrity until it reaches the field. To assist with this process, we have developed the following tank storage and cleaning guidelines.
We hope you find these guidelines useful. Thank you for trusting The Andersons to produce high-quality products that will help you reach your goals. Please contact us or your representative from The Andersons if you have questions or comments.
When storing low-salt fertilizers, follow these Dos and Don’ts:
Safety Guidelines
Before starting any preparations or cleaning procedures, be sure to wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Consult the product SDS for any additional PPE requirements or safety precautions. Follow these best practices:
1. Wear appropriate waterproof boots with good traction on the soles
2. Utilize safety goggles with face shield
3. Use chemical-resistant gloves
4. Wear appropriate head and body protection
Additional safety precautions:
1. Make sure the tank is free of all product up to the manway opening.
2. Be aware of the manway cover weight and use additional help when removing
bolts and the cover.
3. Isolate the tank and fill lines before opening manways. Make sure all fill valves are
closed and secured.
4. Follow the permit-required confined space entry protocol.
5. Test the air quality. Provide additional mechanical ventilation, if necessary.
6. Make sure all submersible pumps and electrical cords have an appropriate GFCI.
7. Be extra aware of heat exhaustion risk for personnel. Rotate entrants frequently.
8. Maintain control over the pressure washer trigger but do not tape or bypass the
trigger in the open position. Ensure appropriate pressure regulation.
9. Beware of carbon monoxide contamination. Make sure the pressure washer is
located outside the tank and away from the manway or ventilation intake.
Tank Cleaning Procedure
1. Remove all liquid from the tank.
2. Inspect the interior of the tank for solids. If solids are present, remove loose solids
and repurpose. You may use solids/sludge/rinsate to make suspensions or solid
fertilizers or apply to a field with a manure spreader using proper agronomic rates.
3. Before cleaning, spray the bottom to remove residue from the sump or cone. Use
of a pressure washer is recommended.
4. Starting from the top of the tank and working down, spray the roof and the inside
walls of the tank. Be cautious of trip/slip hazards caused by the hoses and slick
floor surface.
5. Once the tank has been washed from top to bottom, add enough water to avoid
starving the pump and recirculate for 10 minutes, if possible.
6. Use the system pump and drain the tank.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 two more times. If residue remains, use hot water and
detergent and rinse thoroughly.
8. Clean or replace screens and hoses.
9. Perform a final inspection to ensure the tank and hoses are clean and free of all
solids and liquids.
10. Allow the system to dry before filling with another product.
For questions, contact your Territory Manager from The Andersons.